We offer comprehensive teambuilding, leadership development and sales education programs. Representative courses are described on the following pages. Each description provides a basic overview, the intended audience, length, skill development and the learning methodology.
- Sales & Adult Education – We know them both. No other firm combines the rich understanding of teaching and learning with our practical experiences and successes in organizational development and adult education.
- Live Ammunition – Our instruction is state of the art and draws upon sophisticated theories and thinkers. But, these are not heads in the clouds experiences. All courses actively apply valuable learning to live prospects, clients and team members.
- Focus on Results – Most training suffers from the hideous “learning–doing” gap. We are all familiar with the problems of investing heavily in training only to have it all left behind in the classroom. We build bridges to the field and reinforce application of what has been learned. Clients have experienced measured sales performance gains as high as 483%.
- Customized – All of the programs described below are customized to the unique needs of the client. The summaries are intended to provide a sample of the kinds of programs we can offer and the scope of our training program.
Successful Selling to Type: SST®
Skill Development
- Their own preferences for thinking and communicating
- Similarities and differences with co-workers
- Tendencies to send messages the way, we not necessarily they, would like to receive them
- How to ask Fact, Problem, Consequence and “What if” questions
- Three Stage Rocket listening
- Four buyer influences
- How to “Balance” and “Shade” communication
Learning Methodology
A three-step verification to determine participants’ types is conducted. The Human Grid exercise assigns participants to positions consistent with their four- letter code. A dialogue is facilitated regarding understandings of existing communication patterns and implications for applying the model to sales prospects and clients. The Three Stage Rocket exercise develops empathic listening skills. Type alike groups plan and deliver customized messages for real life prospects and clients.
Managers Instrument Panel
Skill Development
- Setting expectations
- Understanding that managers don’t get what they expect. Rather, they get what they inspect.
- Extrinsic and Intrinsic rewards and when to use them
- Using descriptive communication when rendering consequences
- Recruiting and retaining talent
- Understanding the important difference between talent and skill
- Coaching for skills
- Performance = Skills X Motivation
- Basics of leading effective meetings
- Performance reviews
Learning Methodologies
Consultative Selling 101
Skill Development
- Essential elements of a sales process
- Key differentiators of consultative, value adding approach
- Pipeline management
- Establishing milestones
- Market segmentation
- Value creation by commodity, consultative and partnership buyers
- Formulating an Account Strategy
- Effective Questioning
- Planning & executing the investigation with customized case studies
- Buyer Analysis Models
- The art & science of listening
- Practicing the Elevator Pitch
- Presentation skills: summarizing, engaging the client, talking pages and incorporating stories
- Delivering powerful presentations with customized case studies
- Plan and deliver presentations with case studies
Learning Methodology
Skill Development
- Identifying High Probability Buyers
- Formulating Initial Value Propositions
- Top Down Prospecting techniques
- Initial Contact & Evaluation
- Miller-Heiman response mode model (Growth, Trouble, Even Keel and Over Confident)
- Five steps to applying Permission Marketing
Learning Methodologies
Negotiation Skills
Skill Development
- The Negotiation Triangle
- Investigation
- Demonstrating Capability
- Obtaining Commitment
- Mutual Benefit versus Adversarial Negotiation
- The power of BATNAS (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement)
- The importance of preparation
- Framing arguments
- Avoiding the trap of negotiating on “positions”
- How to negotiate on “interests”
- The importance of internal negotiating
- Personal styles and negotiation
- Defining creative “win-win” outcomes
- Negotiating in a team setting
Learning Methodologies
A highly interactive teaching learning method is applied. Participants use actual client situations that are role played during the course with accompanying strategies set in place for real life post –training delivery. Film classics like Casablanca are used to illustrate negotiation skills and tactics.
Presentation Skills
Skill Development
- Three elements of every effective presentation:
- Inform
- Learn
- Persuade
- Presentation Strategy Tree to ensure effective organization
- Designing the Presentation
- Design Crimes
- Choosing the right medium
- Limitations of Powerpoint
- Rehearsal
- Presentation logistics
- Raising your confidence
- Engaging the audience
- Curing presentation anxiety
- Incorporating stories
- Avoiding the “Ceremony of the Book”
- Achieving closure on objectives
Learning Methodologies
Each participant presents a real–life, pending presentation to other workshop members that is video recorded for future reference. Other participants and instructors critique the presentations to provide suggestions for improvement for the revised presentation delivered later in the day. Following the workshop, participants provide their revised presentations to instructors for final review and comment.
Silo Bridging
Skill Development
- Their own interpersonal needs profile from the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation (FIRO) assessment.
- How to assess their current silo whether it be:
- Let’s Meet
- Salute & Do it
- We Are Family
- How to read and identify interpersonal obstacles in the silo they need to bridge.
- How to build a bridge to be effective in the targeted silo
Learning Methodology
Participants take the FIRO on line and receive their interpersonal needs profile.The FIRO is interpreted in the workshop and results are explained in the context of bridging silos. Silo Bridging tools are introduced and mastered through case study exercises. Plans are crafted for implementation and follow-up conferences with the instructor are set.
Type & Time Management
This course builds on a core Jungian concept: there are natural differences for thinking and communicating that manifest themselves in our approaches to work. Once participants understand their own preferences for managing time and tasks, they are able to improve productivity and interpersonal effectiveness.
Skill Development
- Goal setting
- Personal planning
- Scheduling
- Procrastination
- Time management tools and disciplines
- Pack rat syndrome
- Work station organization
- Work habits
- Managing the tyranny of the urgent
- Scheduling a Schultz Power Hour
Learning Methodologies
Customer Service
Skill Development
- Economic implications of customer retention
- Mastering the “Customer Service Flow Chart”
- Key customer service questions
- Listening skills
- Defusing irate customers
- Feel, Felt, Found technique
- Five forbidden phrases
- Terrorists and Apostles
- Importance of follow-up
Learning Methodologies
Team Selling
SST® is built on the same model as the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Carl Jung’s theory of personality types. Like the MBTI, SST® can be used as a foundation to improve teamwork and team selling.
Target Audience- Groups desiring to become teams and teams looking to improve sales performance
Skill Development
- Similarities and differences among co-workers
- Team problem solving style
- Conflict resolution
- Z Problem solving method
- Team strengths and weaknesses
- Descriptive versus Evaluative communication
- The hideous “Yes, but…”
- Group task and process
- Team Leadership roles
- Task
- Process
- Challenger
- Principles of Team Selling
Learning Methodologies
This course begins with the same three – step verification to determine personality type that is employed in SST®. Follow-up methodologies consist of social laboratories where the understanding of the model allows the team to apply it to conflict resolution and problem solving. Real life issues are tackled using the Z –Problem-solving model with team members rotating through the different roles of Task, Process and challenger leadership
Adaptable Leader Program
What is it that motivates people to perform at the highest levels? Is it the promise of extrinsic rewards like bonuses or salary increases? While every organization offers monetary extrinsic rewards, the research (Deci, 1985; Kohn, 1993 & Rackham, 1991) shows they are only part of the performance formula.
- Leadership style based on MBTI
- Leadership approach based on FIRO
- Bases for power and influence
- Preferred roles in teams
- Problem solving
- Parallel Agenda
- Organizational culture
- Sources of power and influence
- Probable leadership strengths & weaknesses
- Dealing with change and stress
- How to adapt to interpersonal needs of team members and provide intrinsic rewards to drive performance
Learning Methodologies- MBTI & FIRO are interpreted in a group or one-to-one coaching sessions. Topics listed as bullets under “Skill Development” are coached, taught and learned. One by one, interpersonal needs of team members are determined and adaptable leader strategies set in place for implementation. Results are reviewed in follow-up coaching sessions.