Executive Coaching is an individualized process that delivers a jointly developed action plan to address performance issues. The twin objectives are to enhance personal and professional effectiveness. We have provided Executive Coaching for professionals in accounting, architecture, banking, health care, higher education, information technology and logistics.
Although no two Executive Coaching projects are precisely alike, the process we use has common phases:
Set Objectives
We set project objectives and identify performance and personal effectiveness issues. Often there are three stake holders in this process: the client being coached, the client’s organization investing in the coaching, and the executive coach. Representative objectives include:
- Leadership effectiveness
- Time management
- Stress management
- Adult career planning
- Performance
- Achieving greater “Life-Work” balance
Action Plan
Each session begins by assessing our progress as coach and client on the agreed upon objectives and time boundaries. We delineate implementation steps and dates.
Coaching Sessions
We meet on a regular basis to review “homework” (see below) and coach on the action plan. When feasible, coaching sessions are conducted face-to-face. When not practical, coaching sessions are done via video conference or teleconference.
We typically agree on “homework assignments” for the client to complete between coaching sessions. They can range from practicing new skills to maintaining a journal to identify when various issues might surface.
Standardized Tests
When appropriate, we select and administer standardized tests to enhance the coaching process. These include, but are not limited to, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI); The Leadership Report (Based on the MBTI and the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation (FIRO); The Adult Career Concerns Inventory, the Strong Interest Inventory and the Learned Optimism Scales.
When there are three parties in the process (client, client organization & coach) we schedule periodic debriefing sessions to update representatives from the client organization.